Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A Better Life

Periods 1 through 5
Due Friday, May 4

In Google Docs, write a 250-word review of the film (double-spaced). Do not summarize the film, as I saw it with you and know what happens in the movie.

In the review, answer the following questions:

  • What events or moments in the film reminded you of a personal experience?
  • How accurately did the movie depict life in Los Angeles, at home, and at school?
  • Did the movie change your views about life for the undocumented in the United States?
For those who did not attend the field trip, please find the film on home video or any of these other choices to complete the assignment:
  • El Norte
  • A Day Without a Mexican
  • Under The Same Moon
  • And The Earth Did Not Swallow Him
  • My Family (Mi Familia)